
New Stop-Motion short wins awards

Our film Creation Fables is finally complete and we’re so excited for its premiere at Dickinson College this September. The composer Robert Pound wrote the music years ago, but approached Elizabeth in 2020 with the idea of creating a film to accompany the live performances. Elizabeth spent over a year envisioning, storyboarding, and building the different pieces. She then spent another year shooting the scenes, which add up to about 23 minutes of material. She shot 12 frames per second, so that adds up to…a lot of pictures. Alden spent many hours editing all the clips into the final piece that will premiere in September. This short film has already guarded some attention, and will be played in four different film festivals this year. These include the Chain Film Festival in NYC and the Atlanta Film Festival.

Henry Stop-Motion Premier

 Henry Stop-Motion Film Premier! We’re excited to premier our new stop-motion short film Henry at the   Short. Sweet. Film Fest on February 27, 2022 at the Alex Theater . Henry is a labor of love that began more than 10 years ago when Elizabeth built Henry, a little puppet who is a puppeteer. A few playful photos in the garden set his story in motion and sent Elizabeth on an unexpected journey: shooting outdoors, contending with wind, weather, and changing seasons, and coaxing along puppets that just got old and tired of standing up. But it’s finally complete and we’re very excited that Henry and his story will be out in the world!

Creating during Covid

Well, lots of free time I have had plenty of time to finish our stop-motion film Henry. We've decided to start auditioning it for some film festivals, to see if anybody likes it enough to show it that way. Then we will figure out about releasing it on the internet.  Elizabeth built the first puppets over 9 years ago! It took her about 7 years to film it, in little bursts of work over the years, while moving to and renovating a new house,  homeschooling the kids, sending them through college, and helping them get married. Henry is about 15 minutes long. Elizabeth built the armatures with wire and metal putty, and dressed them herself. She built all the set pieces, and did a lot of the shooting outside, using natural and man-made landscapes as sets. This created a lot of lighting and other challenges, but the results are beautiful. Here is one of Elizabeth's first test shots of Henry, 9 years ago. Here's an outdoor shoot with two other characters, ta

Making music for some YouTube channels

I'm excited to be creating music for different YouTube channels. One of my favorite songs is Big Hat Small Hat for English Tree TV:

More Chapters of "Mad Tom Spring" are online

Find Mad Tom Spring free online at  Wattpad

Elizabeth's second novel is published!

We've got the first paperback copies of Mad Tom Spring: Those People and we hope you'll get a copy . If you don't want paperback, you can download the e-book on Kindle , and you can even read it on Wattpad for free! "Maurice Diggersby, the handyman at Mad Tom Farm, isn't one to run from perilous ground, but when  a guest shows up with a gun, and a genuine Tiffany lamp mysteriously appears in the midst of preparations for the annual Spring Meadowlark, he finds himself in need of more than his usual measure of practicality and wit to get to the bottom of things.  While the eccentric Bertram family struggles to get everything done, several troubling secrets converge around a barrage of unruly guests and a lawn crew that no one seems to have hired. Six-year-old Charlie and the renters' little girl know more than they're telling and complications multiply when they conspire to save the new maid from jail. Throw in a missing bride, a situation with ants,

Our new Stop-Motion web page

We just published a new page on our website with some fun info about our past stop-motion projects here . Photo above: we're working on a brand new piece and we can't wait to release it this fall!